August 23, 2021
Won the grand prize for the category of menus and drinks of the 2nd TABLE FOR TWO Awards!

In January 2021, GMO Internet Group and LEOC have launched a lunch menu for TABLE FOR TWO, with an aim to contribute to the achievement of SDGs. Since then, they have developed and provided various menus. Healthy vegetable lunch has won the grand prize for the category of menus and drinks of the 2nd TABLE FOR TWO Awards.
<Healthy vegetable lunch menu for TABLE FOR TWO>
Healthy vegetable lunch has been created so that GMO Internet Group’s partners can eat lots of vegetables high in fiber. A healthy vegetable lunch contains 290 g of vegetables (10.6 g of fibers).
- Minestrone with lots of ingredients
- Mackerel and grilled cheese salad plate
- Spinach milk pudding
Outline of TABLE FOR TWO
In TABLE FOR TWO program, every time a meal that controls the calories to prevent obesity and lifestyle diseases is bought, a donation of JPY 20 per meal is used to pay for school meals of developing countries' children.
Of the approximately 7.5 billion people in the world, approximately 1 billion suffer from hunger and malnutrition, and nearly 2 billion have obesity and other food-induced lifestyle diseases.
TABLE FOR TWO aims to eliminate this global food imbalance and improve the health of both developing and developed countries at the same time.
[CSR of GMO Internet Group and LEOC]
In December 2019, GMO Internet Group began operation of GMO Yours FUKURAS, a communication space, at its second headquarter in Shibuya FUKURAS. Since then, GMO Internet Group and LEOC have been promoting CSR through foods.
■Joining TABLE FOR TWO program
GMO Yours offers a 680 kcal lunch menu that promotes a good diet involving balanced nutrition and contains a lot of vegetables at a TFT lunch event once a month.
From January to June 2021, we have donated 85,580 yen, which is equivalent to 4,279 meals.
■Discouraging the use of plastic
GMO Internet Group is discouraging the use of plastic at the internal cafeteria GMO Yours with the aim of reducing the plastic waste that leads to marine pollution.
■Reducing the food waste
Lunch menus offered at GMO Yours are reservation-only to reduce food waste.
■Offering ethical coffee
Regarding the distribution of coffee beans, which are produced mainly in developing countries, environmental problems due to waste disposal during refining and unfair bargaining are regarded as problems worldwide. GMO Yours offers ethical coffee using "fair trade" coffee beans ethically traded at a fair price.
GMO Internet Group will continue to drive the environmentally conscious, sustainable measures that have consideration for the people through foods, including developing and offering lunch menu for TABLE FOR TWO.