Human Rights
Human rights policy
All of the executives and partners of GMO Internet Group (hereinafter, “We”) contribute to the development of a sustainable society by respecting human rights in every aspect of our corporate activities.
Respect for international norms on human rights
We provide support for the International Norms on Human Rights (such as “Universal Declaration of Human Rights,” “UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights,” “Children's Rights and Business Principles,” and “The Core 8 Treaty Basic Principles of the ILO Declaration”), engage in business activities, and contribute to the development of human rights.
Elimination of prejudice and equal opportunity
Under the Venture Spirit Declaration, which embodies the spirit in which the company was founded, we state that “We do not tolerate prejudice on the grounds of race, nationality, gender, educational background, language, religion, or any other factors. We value people for their ability and merits.” We provide equal opportunity for everyone. In addition to this, we do not tolerate all discrimination or harassment including gender identity and sexual orientation, age, disability, or illness.
Prohibition of forced labor and child labor
We prohibit any and all forced labor and child labor and engage in business activities that observe compliance.
Management of working hours and wages
We will comply with labor standards and all laws and regulations related to working hours, which are applied in countries and areas where we engage in business activities, and we will strive to reduce overtime hours. We will comply with labor standards and all laws and regulations related to wages, and strive to ensure the appropriate wage level for the basic needs of partners.
Maintenance of partners' safety and health
We exercise due care to maintain our partners' physical and mental health. We comply with the laws, regulations, and rules related to safety and health, which are applied in countries and areas where we engage in business activities, and work to maintain this by adopting appropriate measures to address health risks.
Privacy protection and freedom of expression
Recognizing the risks and importance of the Internet industry, we will respect and protect the privacy, freedom of expression, and right to hold opinions of our stakeholders, while ensuring that no one is interfered with and that all ideas and information are accessible.
Establishing the reporting point of contact
We construct mechanisms for effective countermeasures to prevent the violation of human rights by establishing the appropriate reporting point of contact. We will sincerely support those whose human rights have been violated, providing relief.
In order to ensure the human rights of all stakeholders involved in business activities, we will communicate with relevant stakeholders about risks to human rights and measures to address their impact.
The Sustainability Promotion Committee, chaired by the Chairman, President & CEO, oversees the Company’s efforts to address human rights issues, determines and oversees the Company’s human rights activities, communicates the Human Rights Policy to all officers, partners, and external stakeholders, and actively promotes human rights awareness activities.
GMO Helpline/Nadeshiko Helpline
In order to discover, ameliorate, or prevent all compliance risks, including overall bribery and corruption prevention in business activities, and human rights infringements at an early stage, we have a system that enables partners to consult with the company or solve problems, without undue worry, if they become aware of fraudulent acts or illegal acts in work, or if they see or hear acts that may be illegal though it’s uncertain whether the acts are clearly illegal. We also have female consultants in case the female partners are unlikely to consult with male consultants (available for use by male partners as well). Whistleblowing can also be anonymous.
Personal information, comments, or details of the consultation of individuals who consult with us will be managed under strict guard and we will never leak them to Retaliation against partners who report violations of laws and regulations to the company is prohibited if the reason is whistleblowing, and we will respond in good faith to ensure that those affected by human rights violations receive redress.