We provided "grilled salmon and sautéed vegetables with Genovese sauce" to 1,000 people. The menu included salmon caught through sustainable fisheries, colorful vegetables, and refreshing basil sauce.
September 28, 2022
Introduced a lunch menu that includes sustainable seafood

GMO Internet Group and LEOC have been operating GMO Yours at GMO Internet Group's first and second headquarters.
LEOC has been added to the group of companies that have a valid MSC Chain of Custody certificate (the system to certify companies that handle the circulation and processing of sustainable seafood) on Friday, May 20, 2022, which has resulted in the launch of sustainable seafood at GMO Yours.
The first menu on Wednesday, September 28, 2022
MSC certificate
MSC certificate is an international system where sustainable fisheries are certified by the Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) of the UK.
MSC certificate consists of the MSC fishery certificate (i.e. certified sustainable fisheries) and the MSC Chain of Custody certificate for the purpose of delivering the MSC-certified seafood to consumers while ensuring that non-certified seafood is not included in the circulation and processing of the MSC-certified seafood.
Standards stipulated by MSC must be met and companies must undergo a rigorous assessment by a third-party assessment organization to have a valid MSC Chain of Custody certificate. LEOC has been added to the group of companies that have a valid MSC Chain of Custody certificate by enforcing a system that fulfills the MSC Chain of Custody Standard and by refocusing a workflow for food processing.
Initiatives through foods at the internal cafeteria GMO Yours
GMO Internet Group has continued the approaches to realize a sustainable society through foods at GMO Yours, a communication space.
Discouraging the use of plastic
GMO Internet Group is discouraging the use of plastic at the internal cafeteria GMO Yours since November 2019 with the aim of reducing the plastic waste that leads to marine pollution. Partners utilize their own bottles for drinks at the cafeteria, reducing approximately 2.5 t of plastic waste per year.
In March 2022, we distributed the original lunch bags and stopped providing disposable cutlery and plastic bags for a lunch menu to accelerate the above approaches further. This initiative is expected to reduce an additional 1.5 t of plastic waste per year. We are aiming at zero plastic waste in the fiscal year 2022 and will take aggressive measures in the future.
Reducing the food waste
Lunch menus offered at GMO Yours are reservation-only to reduce food waste. During World Food Day Month (October 2021), we made efforts to adjust the supply and demand for lunch and achieved zero surplus ingredients.
Offering ethical coffee
Regarding the distribution of coffee beans, which are produced mainly in developing countries, environmental problems due to waste disposal during refining and unfair bargaining are regarded as problems worldwide. GMO Yours offers ethical coffee using "fair trade" coffee beans ethically traded at a fair price.
Developed and provided a lunch menu for TABLE FOR TWO
In the TABLE FOR TWO program, every time a meal that controls the calories to prevent obesity and lifestyle diseases is bought, a donation of JPY 20 per meal is used to pay for school meals for the children of developing countries. GMO Internet Group and LEOC support the above donation program and have developed and offered a number of lunch menus for the program until now.
In July 2021, healthy vegetable lunch, which was LEOC's lunch menu for TABLE FOR TWO at the internal cafeteria GMO Yours, won the grand prize for the category of menus and drinks of the 2nd TABLE FOR TWO Awards!
Healthy menu program contributes to health management
GMO Internet Group provides filling healthy menus that support the health of our partners (employees). GMO Internet Group specifies the ingredient policy that discourages the use of artificial flavors and seasonings such as artificial colorings. Our ways of cooking the ingredients do not minimize the quantity of food, and we offer a healthy and good menu.
<Ingredient policy (prohibited ingredients)>
Margarine, artificial coloring, sorbitol, sorbit, sodium nitrite, shortening
GMO Internet Group and LEOC will continue to drive environmentally conscious, sustainable measures that have consideration for the people through foods.