December 8, 2021
Initiatives on World Food Day 2021

October 16 of each year is World Food Day, which is the day for people all over the world to think about food and food issues as determined by the United Nations.
To celebrate World Food Day, GMO Internet Group designated the period from October 5, 2021, until November 5, 2021, as GMO Yours World Food Day Enhancement Month. It carried out activities to solve food issues, such as sponsorship and participation in Onigiri Action 2021, enhancement of food loss reduction, and provision of healthy lunches.
Sponsorship and Participation in Onigiri Action 2021
Onigiri Action 2021 was a campaign conducted by TABLE FOR TWO (TABLE FOR TWO International (NPO), "TFT") from October 5 to November 5.
For each photo of the rice ball posted, JPY 100 was donated by the sponsoring companies and 5 meals were donated to children in Africa and Asia through TFT.
GMO Internet Group has supported and sponsored Onigiri Action 2021, and provided GMO Health-Conscious Onigiri free of charge from 3 p.m. on weekdays during the above period at the communication spaces GMO Yours and GMO Yours FUKURAS, which offer lunch and cafe menus to partners (employees), to encourage participation in Onigiri Action 2021.
Efforts to Reduce Food Loss
In order to reduce the amount of food waste at GMO Yours and GMO Yours FUKURAS, GMO Internet Group released food loss results and called for cooperation on zero unauthorized cancellation of lunch and zero leftovers.
As a result, food loss during the Enhancement Month improved significantly compared to the previous month, and 0% of the ingredients remained in the first half of October.
GMO Yours Food Loss Results
Providing Health-Conscious Menu
Hunger is proportional to obesity caused by an unhealthy diet.
Since a healthy diet would be required to tackle all forms of malnutrition, GMO Internet Group designated the period from October 11 until 15 as a health-conscious week and offered its partners a health-conscious menu, a lunch that controlled the fat, sugar, and salt.
During the same period, GMO Internet Group also distributed a recipe card for the health-conscious menu so that partners could have healthy meals at home.
[Prevention of high cholesterol]
- Grilled green onion and you lin ji
- Cauliflower and beans cooked in tomato sauce -
[Obesity prevention]
- Mabo tofu with soybeans
- Vermicelli and steamed chicken with lemon marinade -
[Hypertension prevention]
- Grilled mackerel with okara powder (mizore-ni)
- Burdock walnut kinpira -
[Obesity prevention]
- Soft spicy tandoori chicken and Indonesian street food Nasi Goreng
- Broccoli and cottage cheese -
[Obesity prevention]
- Shrimp and tofu with chili sauce
- Sesame salad with radish and bean sprouts -
Health-conscious menu recipe card
GMO Internet Group will not only support the healthy lives of its partners but will also continue to make efforts to reduce food loss, consider global food issues, and provide information and engage in awareness activities to act together.